
A place whose walls, lakes or mountains are unknown. A place where light does not penetrate because it is filtered, or maybe just rejected. There is no light in the abyss because it can only try in vain to bring knowledge and clarity. The light tries to extricate itself among the molecules of a dense substance, like a crowd of people and banks of souls are grouped and trapped in their tangle of desperate monotony.

We desperately fall into the abyss that light does not touch because it emerges frightened by the solemn downfall. In the impossibility of seeing and perceiving its appearance, we remain in a sort of limbo, waiting for a lead that takes outside like the weg takes Heidegger out of his Black Forest.

The Salento’s coast (Italy) is the protagonist of a dark journey that seems to become a personal surreal metamorphosis over time. It becomes a place that divides the sea from the mainland and at the same time hides its own universe made up of its own planets and stars, which comes alive and shines in my unusual passage.
It reveals itself and I reveal myself to it.